EIGHT days left to the festival!For the first time in the festival's history we're presenting you a full list of stands that you'll be able to visit during Castle Party.
Also for the first time in the festival's history some of the stalls will be located on Bolkow's main square.
We think that everyone will find something worth attention:)
Stands at the castle:
Clothes, jewelry
- Pig on the Table - https://pigonthetable.pl/
- Black Gothic - https://www.facebook.com/blackgothic
- RockMetalShop - https://rockmetalshop.pl/
- Ozdoby Wikingów - https://www.facebook.com/ozdobywikingow/
- Rozpuszczalna ryba - https://rozpuszczalnaryba.pl/
- dodo.dead - https://www.facebook.com/dead.dodo.dead
- Rock’n’Roll Shop - https://RocknRoll.Shop.pl
- Rock files - https://www.facebook.com/rockfiles666/
- Platten Guru - https://www.plattenguru.de
- Frankenstein Vinyl - https://www.facebook.com/FrankensteinVinyl/
- InRock - https://www.inrock.pl
- Vesper - https://vesper.pl/
Stands on the park stage:
Vinyls, CDs, T-shirts
- 2nd Chance Vinyl - https://www.facebook.com/2ndChanceVinyl
- Zoharum - https://www.facebook.com/zoharum
- Hell Shop - https://www.facebook.com/hellshop.eu
- Nasze stoisko festiwalowe!
Handicrafts, jewelry
- Arcana Ignis - https://www.facebook.com/ArcanaIgnis
Stands in the market:
Food and coffee
- HellBurger - https://www.facebook.com/hellburgerbistro
- RunCafe - https://runcafe.pl/
- Fantazyjne Bajery - https://www.facebook.com/fantasyjnebajery
- Kwiaty Agaty - https://www.facebook.com/lasnaturaija/
- Stworzenia mityczne - https://facebook.com/hodowlastworzenmitycznychibasniowych/
- Isskierka Tworzy - https://www.facebook.com/iskierkatworzy
- Irydos Atelier - https://facebook.com/irydos
- Underworld - https://www.underw.pl/
- Kameleon - https://www.wydawnictwokameleon.com